• Question: Why is smoking legal?

    Asked by meg123 to Amy, Karen, Sarah, Vijay, Will on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Karen Reed

      Karen Reed answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      Good question – my cynical side thinks its because it makes the governemt money and if it were to be banned its sure to go underground and they’d loose out on the cash!

    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      @Karen I agree! 🙂
      It can be the only reason, because it’s really really bad for you. Also, the fact that it took us so long to prove that it kills people (against the claims from the very rich tobacco industry that says it does no harm) made it a “normal” thing to do for over 100 years. And that’s a long time for a social habit to become totally acceptable and difficult to ban.
