• Question: Why does a parrot talk like us?

    Asked by aniket to Amy, Sarah, Will on 20 Jun 2012. This question was also asked by meg123.
    • Photo: Amy Birch

      Amy Birch answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Hi aniket,
      Great question!
      Parrots talk like us because they are very good at mimicking sounds. In the wild parrots copy the call of other parrots to make friends with them! This may sound annoying to us, but parrots will copy each other so that they know where all their friends are and can all fly away together. So when a parrot is copying what you say, it wants to be your friend 🙂

    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Hi aniket,

      Parrots don’t really talk – well, at least they don’t know what they’re saying! But they are very good at learning things and copying sounds, particularly when they’re keen to fit in and please. Here’s a parrot that has been trained to look after a plastic baby bird!

      🙂 Sarah
