• Question: Why do I get more car sick in the back?

    Asked by meg123 to Amy, Sarah, Will on 22 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      Hi meg!

      Two reasons:
      1) car sickness happens when our feeling of balance in our ears gets confused cause it doesn’t match up with what we see. So if we’re looking at something inside the car it looks like we’re not moving at all, but the ear is picking up lots of bends in the road and gets confused! When you sit in the front you’re much more likely to look outside the car (instead of the seat in front of you) so you won’t get sick!

      2) You experience more confusing twisting motions on the back seats, because they’re in the middle of the car. Same goes for the middle of busses!

      Do you get car sick?

      🙂 Sarah
