• Question: why are we alive?

    Asked by ciaralydon to Amy, Karen, Sarah, Vijay, Will on 18 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Well ciaralydon, that’s the million dollar question!

      It’s because we were born as a living being and haven’t died yet…
      It’s because we breathe, eat, move, and could procreate one day…
      It’s because there’s plenty to do and find out about on this planet of ours and being alive really helps us do it all!

      Why do you think we are alive?
      🙂 Sarah

    • Photo: Karen Reed

      Karen Reed answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Hiya ciaralydon, Great question – not easy to answer. Most people try and get their heads around this one and I don’t think that there is every a simple satisfactory answer.
      But when you do think about it we’re actually pretty darn lucky to be alive.
      We’re alive becuase life managed to start and evolve on our planet becuase conditions were just right for it. Its a miracle that life started in the 1st place.
      Once we get to the fact that humans have evolved, iI think it’s also a miracle that any one of us gets concieved and born. Our parents have to meet and then that one sperm has to meet that one egg, and then it all has to divide, grow and survive in order for us to be born. All the complicated steps that are needed for that to happen makes me just go WOW!
      But to top that off, in order for me to be here, my parents would have had arise from the same small odds, and then their parents, and thiers and so on. so doubel WOW!

      Now that’s not to say I believe in God the creator – I don’t – but I do realise its blinking lucky that I am alive.
      The fact that I am compels me to make the most of it. It doesn last long.

      So – I don;t thnk I’ve answered your question but maybe ignited a few things to think about 🙂
