• Question: What kind of food will we eat if we were on a different planet?

    Asked by kristin98 to Amy, Karen, Sarah, Vijay, Will on 18 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Hi kristin98,

      Great question! We might have to move to quite differnent food, depending on what will grow there. But then we do that already on Earth – in Japan people eat a lot of sea food and rice, in Italy they eat tomatoes and in South America corn, so we are well adapted as humans to develop our taste and cooking habits to what is available!

      We may have to become quite inventive with extreme cuisine and live off mushrooms and biofilms (gloop made of bugs, yum yum!)… Or maybe we find a planet with the most amazing tasty food already! There aren’t any in our solar system though, and the next planets after that are a long long way away…
      🙂 Sarah
