• Question: What advice would you give to someone who is in year seven and REALLY wants to be a vet?

    Asked by madz to Amy, Karen, Sarah, Vijay, Will on 8 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 8 Jun 2012:

      Hi madz, that sounds like an exciting plan! I did my work experience in a zoo when I was 15, and it was really interesting.
      Experience I think is key – so prepare a CV and get yourself volunteer jobs with your local vets, zoo, stables and animal shelter. As many different places as you can! The other really important thing is to keep studying all your science subjects for as long as you can, and do well in them, so you get a place at university. Good luck!!!

    • Photo: Karen Reed

      Karen Reed answered on 8 Jun 2012:

      Find out what subjects you’d need for GCSE and A levels to qualify for a vetenary course in Uni to make sure you don’t accedentally cut off your chances of getting there, work your socks off to get the best possible grades and get work experience in as many different places as you can. Good luck

    • Photo: Amy Birch

      Amy Birch answered on 9 Jun 2012:

      Hi madz, definitely get lots and lots of experience working in as many places as possible. Make sure you keep up your science through school & work really hard! I have a few friends who are vets and all of them did a science degree first (zoology) before applying to do a veterinary degree so there are a few different options. It’s great that you know what to do already – good luck 🙂
