• Question: How many hobnobs and cups of tea do you could have in one sitting?

    Asked by madz to Amy, Karen, Sarah, Vijay, Will on 8 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Will Reynolds

      Will Reynolds answered on 8 Jun 2012:

      Hi Madz, it depends on how im feeling and/or the weather but I have been known to drink 4-5 cups of tea in a row when I have deadlines for writing paper and reports, and I can easily get through half a pack of Hobknobs a day. However it is dangerous to regularly drink more than 300 mg of caffine a day (4-8 cups of tea or coffee depending on the strength) so I don’t usually have more than 4 a day. Thanks for your question.

    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 8 Jun 2012:

      Hi Madz! I love tea, but I’ve switched to redbush tea, which doesn’t contain caffeine but is just as tasty as normal tea I think. Will’s right in saying caffeine isn’t great for you long term. So there’s no limit on my cups of tea any more!
      I do love chocolate though.

    • Photo: Karen Reed

      Karen Reed answered on 8 Jun 2012:

      Hiya Madz, I’m a strange person in that I dont like tee – or coffee. but I do love hobnobs although I never dunk. I could eat the packet but try and have some self control and limit myself to 3 or 4 per sitting. What about you?

    • Photo: Amy Birch

      Amy Birch answered on 9 Jun 2012:

      Hahaha madz, this is a great question! I would happily munch through half a pack of hobnobs in one sitting, and I have to say I am a coffee addict so I wouldn’t drink that much tea. I drink too much coffee (about 5/6 cups a day) so I have been trying to wean myself off and drink green tea in the afternoons, because too much caffeine is bad for you.
