• Question: Do you agree with plastic surgery? Why?

    Asked by olivia13 to Amy, Sarah, Will on 21 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Will Reynolds

      Will Reynolds answered on 21 Jun 2012:

      Hi Olivia. Thats an intriguing question. Plastic surgery is not just about people trying to change the way they look, it is also used to heal burn victims, fix birth defects and and other genuinely medical problems. And even when people only have plastic surgery to change how they look, this improve the confidence and give them more self esteem which I think has to be worth while. So overall I would say yes I do agree with plastic surgery, as long as the person understands what the benefite and risks are and they are doing it for the right reasons. Thanks for you question.

    • Photo: Sarah Martin

      Sarah Martin answered on 21 Jun 2012:

      Hi olivia13!

      Plastic surgery was invented during world war one, when lots of pilots got very badly burnt in their fighter planes and looked horrible when they came home. But they were also really young, some not even twenty, and doctors wanted to help them have a more normal life by reconstructing their faces and maybe help them even meet a girlfriend and do things they could never do as terribly scarred burn victims. So I think plastic surgery is brilliant when it makes people live a fuller and happier life.
      But some surgery can make people who do it for the wrong reasons feel even more insecure about their bodies, and unnecessarily exposes them to the risks of surgery, so it has to be done very sensitively!
      What do you think?

      🙂 Sarah
